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Information about the enterprise according to § 6 of the
telecommunication law
Marc Penchenat
Freelance Translator

Tax department identification number: 151 256 07 567

Pilse 18
99084 Erfurt
Tel.: +49 (0)361/ 6 63 82 10


Conception and Design:
Webmakers UG
Agency for visual communication

Furthmühlgasse 2
D - 99084 Erfurt

Phone: 0361/6021502
Phone/Fax: 0361/6021503


Information about responsibility:
In spite of our strict control of the contents, we have no responsibility of the contents available in the external links. The authors alone of these linked websites are wholly responsible of the contents.

Use information:
This site is optimized for Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x / 5.x and 6.x as well as Nescape Navigator 4.x / Firefox and Mozilla. The screen size is 1024 x 768 picsels TrueColor. This site has a full functional capacity 800 x 600 picsel resolution. The available websites are written in HTML 4.0 and use JavaScript et Cascading Style Sheets.